Hope Exchange is a ministry initiative of JLF that helps the church engage their members in the biblical call of mercy and justice and reach their neighborhood with practical tools for stewardship – so that loving neighbors can serve toward a restored future together.
Faith and Finances
Predatory lending, poor credit, low financial literacy, broken relationships, and many other factors often keep people trapped in poverty. Without the right tools and a supportive community, it is almost impossible to escape the cycle. This 12-week class provides a supportive community in which people of all backgrounds can gain skills to manage their money well and honor God in the process.
Work Life
This 10-week class prepares the under and unemployed for sustainable employment through practical job and life skills training. In addition, the curriculum empowers participant to recognize that God is at work in the world and that their jobs are a way of participating in that work.
Equipping the Church
We offer training in poverty alleviation principles to church members and volunteers who help out in our programs. We connect people to resources like Bible studies and small group studies that start conversations in the church about effective ways to engage in healing relationships across racial, socio-economic, and cultural lines. We consult with church leaders about developing ministries and systems in their mercy and benevolence committees that focus on developing people as stewards more than giving out handouts.
Hope Exchange Community Group
Hope Exchange’s Community Group offers a weekly support group for Hope Exchange participants and other community members.


Physical: 236 E. Capitol St. - Jackson, MS 39201
Mailing: P.O. BOX 4671 - JACKSON, MS 39296